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#HRmust-know: A Brief Understanding Of How To Build A Remote Culture

#HRmust-know: A Brief Understanding Of How To Build A Remote Culture

December 28, 2021

According to a recent study, 56% of employees value a positive workplace culture more than salary. But in the age of remote working, when employees don’t have enough face-to-face interactions, building a successful company culture that can reach across all different platforms, locations can become a big challenge.

#HRmust-know: A Brief Understanding Of How To Build A Remote Culture

#HRmust-know: A Brief Understanding Of How To Build A Remote Culture

The remote working approach can create a transparent and productive atmosphere while giving employees a sense of belonging. Therefore, building a strong remote work culture is essential for today’s businesses. This article will provide businesses with a brief understanding of the definition and important factors of remote culture.

What’s in it for remote culture

The pandemic has pushed many organizations to become fully remote, and the experience has been better than imagine. While we intend to adopt this new working model even when we return to normal, which might seem straightforward in theory, the ideal proves to be more nuanced in practice, especially when it comes to organizational culture.

Remote work culture is defined as the digital culture within an organization which enables employees to stay connected through shared experiences, interests, and priorities, and gives employees a sense of belonging beyond physical boundaries. But there are more questions than answers for leaders: How can they reimagine their culture when ceremonies, rituals enacted in the office are inaccessible, and workers have little to no face-to-face interactions with their leaders? How can we build the type of bonds that establish a lasting culture, not to mention the new employees? How can we redefine the culture that connects workers from anywhere?

Remote work will surely be here to stay. Whether your staff work from home for a long time or temporarily, it is vital to take efforts to develop a strong remote culture. This can help provide a positive culture and good communication which can encourage your staff to be happier and more committed to their job. 

Essential factors of remote culture

Here are the key factors as shared by Kiss Flow that determine the effectiveness of a remote work culture that companies need to consider:

1. Innovative technology

For remote work, technology is an important factor that businesses need to focus on since technology allows remote staff to stay connected. Recent research found that 82% of workers believe that technology in the workplace is decisive for them in terms of new employment. In addition, Millennials are more inclined to give up work if technology is found quite unqualified in the workplace.

#HRmust-know: A Brief Understanding Of How To Build A Remote Culture

2. Flexibility

With this form of work, employees appreciate their companies a lot if the workplaces give them flexibility. Unlike before, they expect to work wherever they want, as long as they do their job well and can communicate with their team when needed. The working hours of telecommuting will also have to be flexible to suit each person because working nine to five is not a realistic model for most employees whose energy levels, length of the work and schedule needs vary. Furthermore, it is important that employees do not feel alienated or abandoned, but neither should they experience a constant feeling of being micromanaged while working remotely.

3. Growth mindset

Regardless of where your workers are, a remote work culture should always be open and consistent for everyone. At the same time, it still has to ensure that employees will be provided with opportunities to develop themselves, acquire new knowledge to be able to work effectively and discover what they can do beyond their limits.

Building a strong remote culture where your employees feel secure and encouraged to achieve their best is a long-term process that requires a never-ending endeavour. As transitioning your entire company to telecommuting or building a new remote team, you will need all sorts of innovative methods and technologies to make the transition as easy as possible for your employees.

#HRmust-know: A Brief Understanding Of How To Build A Remote Culture

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