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An enterprise that wants to operate stably and effectively needs to have a methodical way of managing human resources. The role of human resources management (HRM) is to manage the people within a workplace to achieve the organization’s mission and reinforce the culture. The way of HRM can be added or changed in accordance with each stage of the enterprise’s development. The secrets to creating an effective human resource management method will be presented in the following article:

1. What is Human Resources Management? 

Human resource management (HRM) is the task of managing people to achieve better performance such as recruiting and training an organization’s employees about both quantity and quality which is assured of stable development of enterprises and each individual.

The HRM provides the knowledge, tools, training, legal advice, administration, and talent management, which is crucial to sustaining and advancing a company.

Basically, human resource management includes the following tasks:

  • Recruitment & selection
  • Performance management
  • Learning & development
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Human Resources Information Systems

Based on the development plan and goals of the enterprise at each stage, human resource management will focus on one or several of the above-mentioned tasks in order to build a skilled and motivated workforce that is always dedicated to the development of the company.

What is Human Resources ManagementWhat is Human Resources Management?

2. 8 tips for effective employee management

The way of managing human resources will be the key to building a friendly and positive working environment for the staff. Here we give tips to help managers apply in the process of managing their human resources to create the best work results.

2.1 Tips for employees to be responsible and wholehearted for work

Managers need to realize that they manager is a pioneer, a mirror for the whole team to follow and learn from in the team or the company.

Therefore, If the manager wants everyone in the team to have a sense of responsibility and dedication to their work, the manager must first show that he/she is a person full of responsibility and dedication. So the manager always wants to work with the best companies like that.

A manager is a person who always does their best when implementing fundamental company goals; He or She feels calm and steady when taking responsibility. Especially, the manager is never afraid of suffering or difficulties in dedicating to the development of the department and company. Above these things, a good manager never forgets to bring benefits to employees.

Working under the management of such a person is a great motivation for the staff to strive to develop themselves to be like their leader, with a sense of responsibility and dedication to the job.

In contrast, leaders who have a habit of blaming employees, seeing employees as a shield for their own mistakes and risk will only make employees feel dissatisfied and uncomfortable in the process of working as well as the disintegration of team spirit.

2.2 Knowing how to listen, understand and share with their staff

Human resources managers do not automatically give themselves the right to command or scold subordinates during working or when mistakes occur. Because this does not make employees obey or work better, but only creates mental pressure for them.

Managers who want to handle problems within their team need to realize that listening, understanding and sharing is very essential.

Listening and absorbing opinions from many people in the working environment to develop working policies and regulations will increase the possibility of internal consensus when the policies and regulations are put into effect.

Understanding as well as sharing difficulties, sorrows and joys with your staff will erase the gap between managers and employees as well as strengthen solidarity and cooperation in the team or the group.

The way of managing human resources derived from the heart will go into people’s hearts more easily. Therefore, It helps not only elicit prestige and respect from subordinates but also leads to the trust and loyalty of employees.

Knowing how to listen, understand and share with their staff
Knowing how to listen, understand and share with their staff

2.3 Knowing how to orient employees to the development

Managers not only know how to be nice to their employees but also know how to assign clear and suitable tasks to employees. This ensures that each person understands their role, position, and job requirements that he or she must perform. For each assignment or task, the manager has the ability to guide and orient the employees when they encounter difficulties.

In addition, managers are also the person who outlines the promotion path and the career path for their employees according to their desire as well as their own strengths and weaknesses. They are also the people who give advice, encourage employees to develop themselves, and develop their relationships to become more successful on their career path.

2.4 Have a strategic vision

The managers have to determine the strategic goals for the development of the business in the next three to five years. This means that identifying where the company will go, and what goals it needs to achieve to get there. This kind of vision will help the manager develop plans for their human resources in accordance with the short and long-term goals of the enterprise.

2.5 The secret to managing employees is to have clear goals

To maximize employees’ motivation, managers need to know how to set goals for each of their employees. It can be a goal of the day, of the week, of the month… Each type of goal must be clear, specific, feasible and suitable to the capacity of each individual, and each department. That can elicit the efforts of employees to solve problems and complete the work.

2.6 Ensure adequate working equipment for employees

In order for the job to be completed with the best quality, employees need to have full support from working equipment. Whether they are office workers or employees in the field, in the process of working, it will be indispensable to coordinate with tools, vehicles and machines.

Ensuring a comfortable working environment full of modern facilities is a way for managers to support and create the necessary conditions for employees to perform their jobs smoothly.

2.7 Accurate and fair employee evaluation

The best way to maintain the spirit of learning and developing employees’ capacity is to build an accurate and fair capacity assessment process. When the employee’s capacity is properly asset and the employee’s compensation is commensurate with their ability, it is an important factor for employees to continue to strive for higher positions by creating more value for the business.

2.8 Motivating work with the art of praise and criticism

Human resource managers must know how to use the art of praise and criticism in a timely and flexible manner. A small compliment can sometimes have a huge impact on employee morale. Meanwhile, criticism, more or less serious, can hurt the superior-subordinate relationship.

The art of praise-criticism is that managers know when to use praise or criticism as well as the form of expressing praise or reminder in a moderate way. This ensures that their employees feel the sincerity of the compliments as well as the depth of reminders from the manager.

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