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Quiet Hiring: New Strategy For Your Employees

Quiet Hiring: New Strategy For Your Employees

March 28, 2023

Hiring after layoffs is unavoidable. However, the recruiting strategy is changing: returning to the internal workforce – a potential resource that HR could ask for. 

Quiet Hiring: New Strategy For Your Employees

1. New roles for your employees 

Since late 2022, mass layoffs, hiring freezes, and vacancies paint a gloomy picture for the labor market. While there were many challenges, it also open up opportunities for employees and businesses.

“After business downsizing, I need to adjust myself to the new ways of working and management as well as learn new skills to ensure the quality of my work. But this is also an opportunity for me to practice new skills and discover my strengths. Perhaps that’s why I was promoted to a new position.” – N.M.A. (27 years old), currently working for the Marketing department at a technology company, shared.

Sooner or later, businesses cannot avoid recruitment. However, hiring new employees is no longer the only solution. Unlocking the potential internal workforce is what HR should pay attention to.

According to Gartner, internal recruitment – also known as “Quiet hiring” is predicted to become the future work trend for 2023. Quiet hiring has been shown to increase the motivation and performance of current employees. Up to 63% of employees are excited and view internal recruitment as an opportunity to learn new professional skills.

Internal employees are potential candidates for business restructuring as they are the ones who stayed and withstood company changes. Moreover, the perks of recruiting internal talents are their deep understanding of the company culture as well as working procedures.

Ms. Tieu Yen Trinh
CEO of Talentnet

2. How to recruit internal candidates? 

In fact, many big companies in Silicon Valley, pioneered by Google, have been implementing quiet hiring. With quiet hiring, many strategies have been provided to search for talents and cultivate internal “stars” to fit in strategic positions.

Regarding the benefits, according to a survey conducted by Monster in January 2023, up to 27% of employees are considering leaving if quiet hiring is implemented, and 50% of workers believe that new positions are not suitable for their skills.

“The company itself must truly understand and consider employees’ skills and ability, listen to their desires before proposing a new position, and be transparent between “doing extra work” with “taking on a new position” – Ms. Trinh emphasized.

Ms. Trinh also shared some tips for internal recruitment:

Empower the managers: Leaders need to empower managers since managers understand their employees’ strengths and weaknesses. They can help employees to expand their skill set, and provide them with a clear career path to improve their performance.

Listen to your employees: Before proposing a new position, the manager should listen to employees’ aspirations and be transparent about the workload and responsibilities of the new position so that the employees can understand what they need to do, and what to improve.

Prepare for the transfer: Before the transfer, a quick training session to help employees get used to the new requirements should be provided. According to Ms. Trinh, many potential “stars” were found after those training sessions. However, shifting to a new position is not easy, even in a familiar environment. Therefore, both employees and managers need to be mentally ready to face unexpected variables.

If leaders consider quiet hiring as a long-term strategy, they can look for comprehensive strategic support and consultation. This is to help the company balance their training strategies, workforce restructuring, and success metrics.

“In fact, companies cannot avoid recruitment after mass layoffs. Businesses can overcome obstacles by returning to the internal workforce and putting them at the center of talent strategies.” Ms. Trinh summarized.

Source: Nhịp Cầu Đầu Tư 

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