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#HRmust-know: 6-Step Process Of Working With A Recruitment Agency

#HRmust-know: 6-Step Process Of Working With A Recruitment Agency

October 29, 2021

Recruiting new employees is a time-consuming and expensive process. Not many businesses are able to or willing to invest in building a team specialized in Human Resources. To get the best value – and best candidates – for the businesses' investment, it's crucial to have an overview of what is going to happen when working with a recruitment agency.

Working with a recruitment agency streamlines the process, saving your time and resources.

Working with a recruitment agency streamlines the process, saving your time and resources.

Recruiting new employees is a time-consuming and expensive process. Not many businesses are able to or willing to invest in building a team specialized in Human Resources, especially recruiting. In this case, the recruitment agencies come in handy to manage all the related tasks. To get the best value – and best candidates – for the businesses’ investment, it’s crucial to have an overview of what is going to happen when working with a recruitment agency.6 common steps in the process of working with a recruitment agency.

So, how to work with a recruitment agency? According to Hunt Club, the process of recruiting is pretty much similar for all recruitment agencies.

Establish expectations

First of all, you need to reach a deal in terms of work expectations and payment arrangements—typically, a retained fee or contingency fee structure. Furthermore, an agreement regarding expectations for the work is also needed to be established beforehand.

Some recruiters, for example, offer a guarantee period to ensure that the business will get an excellent hire. If the prior employment does not work out in the time allotted, the recruitment agency will browse the talent pool again and start scanning for the replacement.

Clear communication of the workplace environment is essential when working with a recruitment agency.

Clear communication of the workplace environment is essential when working with a recruitment agency.

Identify the hiring needs

Clear communication on your company’s requirements and timetable for getting an employee may be good start. Basically, the business will provide a detailed job description, a list of requirements about critical skills and personality traits, or any other important criteria. Additionally, it’s also good for the recruitment agency to experience your workplace firsthand. This will be greatly beneficial for them as they will better understand your corporate culture, working environment, and most importantly, which type of candidates would best fit for your organization.

Talent search

The recruitment agency will next search through its current databases and networks in order to find suitable applicants. Following that, the recruitment agency will screen and interview a shortlist of possible individuals.


Throughout the recruitment journey, the recruitment agency will be a point-of-contact between the company and the applicants. The recruitment agencies conduct the interview in a two-way communication process which involves the direct interaction with the applicants to get a better evaluation whether they would be a good fit for the position, and as well inform the company of the recruitment progress. The recruitment agency also further supports the organization of the final interview between applicants and the company.


When there is a potential candidate, the recruitment agency can act on behalf of the company to negotiate with the candidate about an offer and remuneration, thus the company will be able to spare time and efforts for other strategic activities such as business development.

The recruitment agency plays a crucial role in negotiating offers and ensuring a smooth transition for both parties

The recruitment agency plays a crucial role in negotiating offers and ensuring a smooth transition for both parties


When an offer is accepted, the recruitment agency will continue to assist in validating the paperwork to ensure that both parties are benefited from the deal. If the candidate quit the job during the warranty period of the contract, the recruitment agency has the responsibility to replace with another qualified candidate.

Above is the procedure on how to use recruitment agencies. If you are looking for an agency with HR outsourcing services to help your organization enhance its recruitment strategy and reduce the stress of finding the perfect employees, Talentnet – with the strengths of a competent recruiting team, a great database of candidates, and broad networks in the domestic human resources industry – is assured to aid in sourcing the right talents for your business. Email us to find out how Talentnet can save you time and money.

Poll: Why haven’t you outsourced recruitment for your business?
A. It’s something I’ve never heard of before. / I don’t know where to start
B. Internal recruiting is more controlled and assured
C. It takes time and effort to find a relevant recruitment agency
D. Other – Please specify

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