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Driving Business Success By Nurturing The Employees’ Dreams

Driving Business Success By Nurturing The Employees’ Dreams

October 28, 2022

"Just because my dreams are different than yours, it doesn't mean they are unimportant" - one of the classic lines of Meg – a character in the iconic Little Women novel. Also, this line represents what diligent employees want to express themselves.

Driving Business Success By Nurturing The Employees’ Dreams

Driving Business Success By Nurturing The Employees’ Dreams

The dreams beyond the 8-hour workday… 

The statement from Meg – the oldest sister does speak for many people: To live with their own dream, no matter how small or different it is. Back to modern life, we might have to work 8 hours a day but each of us is nurturing our own dream. Some people hope for career progression while others just want to stick with their current job. Some want to fulfill their passions and some hope to gain new opportunities… But whether it is just a story or in real life, the journey to our dreams is fulfilled with challenges and obstacles. 

As an employee, you may have heard these stories: 

  • An employee who refused to become a manager because he/she wants to work on their professional skills and product knowledge is considered as having no ambition. 
  • An office worker who owns a clothing store as their sideline is labeled as “work for fun” despite always doing good in their job. 
  • An employee who chooses to move back to their hometown for work instead of staying in the city, is considered a waste of talent. 

Instead of supporting and respecting each other’s dreams, we tend to measure and evaluate performance with an inflexible and old-fashioned management style. 

On this topic, Ms. Tiêu Yến Trinh, CEO of Talentnet shared her point of view: “The personnel evaluation system is causing many misunderstand that employees’ dreams are to get promoted, have a high reputation and salary, but forget that their desires and expectations are also important. Businesses should not ignore or underestimate employees’ dreams since these are their working motivation.” 

Workplace and a journey to be happier… 

Back to the story of the March sisters by Louisa May Alcott, after sharing with her sister about her true dream, the eldest sister – Meg has become a stronger version of herself. That is when she received the motivation to pursue her own dream, which she had once ignored to fulfill her role as a sister. 

Driving Business Success By Nurturing The Employees’ Dreams

People gain motivation when their dreams are supported. According to ADPRI’s research on 50,000 global employees, when in charge of their dream jobs and taking advantage of their own strengths, employees’ productivity, and integration increase.  

“We are trying to build a happier culture and discovering the positive impact of dreams is an opportunity for businesses to create a better workplace. By stopping following the stereotypes, workers can be encouraged to focus on becoming the best version of themselves. Happy employees will drive business success,” said Ms. Trinh

To provide businesses with a better understanding of how to create joy and happiness for employees, in November 2022, Talentnet proudly presents Vietnam HR Awards Gala 2022 with the theme ‘Awakening Joy’ – to deep dive into employees’ joy from different perspectives and spread it out consistently and convincingly without compromising. 

Source: Thanh Niên

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